Welcome to the world of B

Hi all, and by all, I probably mean my boyfriend, mother and therapist! However, I'm writing this for therapeutic reasons, so who cares. So I won't give you my whole background in one go — where would be the fun in that? However, to provide you with a little backdrop, I had rhinoplasty in January (yes, I've always been a bit vain — One lesson I've learnt is if all is well in the head, don't change anything), and well, since my surgery, my brain has gone a bit funny. Actually, it's not even remotely funny, and my gosh, I wish I had my old simple mind back, but that's not how life works. You need to appreciate and make the most of what you've got. So yes, I have a paranoid-as-F**K brain now, but I need to make the most of it and put it to good use. Writing helps me and makes me realize that sometimes it's absolute nonsense.

So if you're an overthinker or a worrier —  at least you are not alone. The best thing for me is playing games on my phone, but now I am dreaming about playing word tower in my dreams (who makes words in their dreams). God help me. Anyway, I'm on a journey and thought you might want to come along for the ride. Some days are good, and some days are dark, but we get through them, and I will be brutally honest with you the whole way.

To start off, let's tell you a bit about myself. I go by B even though I'm Brigitte because 90% of people can't get my name right — it's either Bridget, Birgit, baguette or even the odd fajita. So I figure B makes it simple and automatically makes me likeable by having a nickname. So yeah, Hi 👋! I'm 37 years of age, still without children and have never been engaged, but you'll be happy to know I finally have a boyfriend (I hope he's reading this - hint hint). He's great, and I'll share lots about him… he won't like it, but I'm an over-sharer! He's a cricket commentator, so there will be a few stories, and maybe I'll get a couple of Indian fans to read this.. :)

I used to be quite happy-go-lucky; I will get back there; I have faith in myself. I'm a flight attendant and will be in charge soon — my course is in a few months. God help my passengers! I love my job and travelling — it gives me such flexibility and a million stories. I'll passenger shame in another blog coming soon.

My dad was a footballer, so I've lived a Gypsy life and always travelled, which is probably why I love it so much now. It sounds like a dream, but times weren't always rosy, and again, I'll go into that another day. I love my family, though, and they're a crazy bunch. My mum is a full-on milf, btw! So look out for pictures of her soon.

I love running; I used to dedicate my life around a run. If I couldn't fit it into my day, I would cancel my plans as I'd rather run. I've let that go now, I still run 5 times a week, but if I miss a day, I don't care… life doesn't need to be like that. So don't have that wine instead. Actually, scrap that; I'd rather run 😂. Just treat yourself to whatever … life is too short.

Only want to bombard you with a little. It's our first time together, so let's keep it short, like most first times. If you've reached this far, then we are friends now. So for today, I'm just about to get my nails done, going to cut them short… girls' dilemma either have nice nails or shit nails and play netball. First-world problems.

Finally, for today, I'm a book geek, and I mean a geek. Book shopping days are my favourite days, and I have a little book club that I'll share here, so worst case, use this for picking your next book from my reviews, as I can be pretty hard to please sometimes. My two recent books you must read are - Me vs Brain and Have you got something stronger.

Anyway, for now, that'll do. Have a wonderful day, and next, I'll tell you all about how my delightful brain works or, rather - doesn't stop chatting to me and what it says. Right now, the nail lady is shouting at me in Dutch - she needs my hand to paint, so I gotta go!

P.S. Going green, not that you cared! xBx


Meet Glen…