Getting Married at 80

Good morning, everyone, and by morning I mean morning. I have woken up at some ungodly hour of 5AM and on the way to the airport not for work but to go to India to see my Simon, it's too early for me even to read my book (also the one I'm reading is currently a bit shit so doing anything to avoid reading it) and well yesterday I celebrated my grandma's wedding - whose 80 years old. I think this is pretty damn special, and I want to write about it….

OK, so I'm going to give you a bit of background on my grandma. She probably wouldn't like it, but luckily, she can't speak or write a word of English. I know Google Translate, you say, but she can't even use WhatsApp, so I think I'm safe. She's still old school and just presses the call button to call someone if she wants to speak to them. Eeeew, imagine that! Haha. My grandma is my dad's mum; she had my dad very young, at 18. In those days, it was kind of shameful to have children without being married, so if I'm honest, I think that is why she got married the first time. She had 3 children, all boys and my grandad. Although I loved him, and so did everyone else, he was quite an angry man, and I think my grandma was never truly happy. (He passed away 6 years ago by way of dementia, and my Nan looked after him until the end).

Her current partner Henk (we call him Henkie, not quite sure if I will call him Grandad), well, they met at a dancing club. It's no Tinder or internet dating for the older folks. (My other Nan met a man at the same dancing place at 85. That relationship didn't last long, though, as he dumped her because she was 10 years older than her and thought the age gap was too big… prick! Anyway, there must be something in the air there. (message me for details if you want to join.) But yeah, Henk asked my Nan for a dance 6 years ago, and they have been inseparable ever since. When I say inseparable, I really mean that. I think they are only apart when one of them goes to the toilet! He is the perfect gentleman, and chivalry is still alive. He cooks for her, makes her drinks whenever and just really looks after her, and in return, she laughs at his god-awful jokes, and they finish each other's sentences.

They go on holiday twice a year, sit and watch television a lot, see family and drink wine and beer. Now, that sounds like my ideal retirement situation. My Nan, honestly, at 80, has never glowed so much. This gives hope to the older lot who are still unmarried… hang on there. Our time is coming!!! But seriously, it is adorable to see, and there wasn't a dry eye in the house watching them both get married yesterday.

They compliment each other all the time, and when asking them at 80 (they've lived) what they think the meaning of life is, they both answer to love and be loved. I guess I'm going to take this mentality on board. Love is for any age, and everybody couldn't be happier for them. (My grandad probably would be turning in his grave, though) but I honestly hope they have so many more years to come together… congratulations Grandma!!!


P.S. I have my grandma to thank for my large

ass 🍑 haha!


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