1st Trimester / Pregnancy
Hi gang, I hope you are all well. I don't write as much anymore, but I felt blindsided by how hard my first trimester was. I feel like nobody warned me about it. Admittedly, it's probably one of those things that you don't pay attention to or listen to when you aren't interested in getting or being pregnant. Well, I'm going to tell you firsthand how it was…
So, in my last blog, I told you how I got pregnant, and the moment I found out, I'll let you know all about the first trimester. Those three minutes you have to wait for the pregnancy test result are agonizing; I think I even emptied the dishwasher. That's how occupied I wanted to be. Anyway, I found out very early on at 4 weeks and 1 day, and well, in our job of flying, you can call it in straight away as you aren't supposed to do the job whilst pregnant. Several reasons for this; one is the constant altitude is not good for you, nor is the radiation, especially over some places, the turbulence that could happen, the trolleys you have to push, and, well, it's a job you are supposed to be in good physical condition for and takes a toll on the body so as you can understand we aren't covered when pregnant. I did, however, have a Naples standover (2 nights there), which I bidded for and still felt alright, so I decided to do that; a night in Inverness was attached to that, so did those flights and then when I had a 4 am turnaround a few days later I decided it was time to call it in (sorry to whoever got called for that). Also, on the last flight I did out of Inverness, I was serving a full English Breakfast (now these sometimes make me feel sick, so early in the morning usually). However, I literally had to delegate it to my fellow crew members. I couldn't stand the smell of it, and my morning sickness started.
At about 5 weeks and 5 days, I was vomiting every day. I'm also not a quiet vomitter (I'm so sorry, Simon - he absolutely hates waking up to the sound of me being sick), but surely that's better than the one being sick. I felt so pants that in the first trimester, I barely had any motivation to exercise. I forced myself, but it was tough. I felt like I had a 24-hour hangover every single day. Now, I've had a two-day hangover many times, but this was something else. Everyone says to take ginger this and ginger biscuits, but that didn't really work for me. I just had to get some toast in me as soon as possible, and it would stop the actual being sick but not the roughness. I even went off tea and coffee and totally off anything sweet. (This should have been an early sign that I was having a boy.) Simon bought chocolate and put it in the fridge, and it wouldn't get touched. He loved it. Now, when he does - it's gone pretty quickly, and well, the baby ate it! Haha. I did, however, have an addiction to crisps; when I cleaned my car out after just a couple of weeks, I found crisps packets everywhere; some days, I was having 2 a day, but it was the only thing I wanted!
I do really miss wine; however, that first trimester, I didn't even fancy having wine; it was much easier than I thought to quit. Headaches were quite bad at times, and as the only thing I was allowed to take was paracetamol (I need proper stuff), sometimes it just didn't cut it. My skin also got so bad that I had spots all over my chin and cheeks for a couple of weeks. My mum thinks this is because I had McDonald's twice weekly, but it was only a happy meal. Yes, I went through the drive-thru on my own on quite a few occasions… no shame here (this was, however, when I went quiet on social media, I think). I almost hated the spots more than feeling sick, but not quite. You are also very hormonal (or I am) when pregnant, and literally, if I was watching a TikTok about an animal/ baby or, well, anything, I was crying like a baby.
Not to mention the water retention, I looked the same 5 weeks pregnant as I did up until I was 12. Every time I went for a scan (I had a few private as anxiety is also a lovely symptom), they kept telling me that my gas was terrible and they couldn't see my ovaries. You'll be happy to hear that's cleared up a bit now! 💨
I've also wanted this baby for so long that if one day I wasn't as sick, I would be scared that meant that the baby wasn't ok; honestly, I've had like 4 private scans, I think, which is a lot but worth every penny, to know that the baby is ok. Pregnancy is something that I'm just not a fan of; I will never understand those women who love it. Yes, I love that I'm growing my baby boy, but man, it sucks, and I can't wait for it to be done. My symptoms have eased now; I'm less sick and have more energy. However, now I get out of breath going upstairs, and my bedroom is two sets of stairs; if I forget something now, like socks or something minor… I'm not going back up for them - forget it! Phone or car keys are the only thing I'm going back up for!!
I'm still running because it's my thing, but I'm slow and out of breath so quickly. In my body pump classes, when we have the triceps move, we lean over, and I have to move my legs so far apart to let my belly hang down. Shaving has also been less frequent because it's such an effort… I know, lucky Simon. It's only getting worse from now too… But it'll be so worth it.
So, for anyone struggling with pregnancy or not knowing what to expect, then this could be you… But hang on in there; we've got this!!! For anyone not having sickness and loving pregnancy… piss off! Haha x
P.S. It's all about salt and vinegar hoops!!