Moving in with a partner
Afternoon my lovely friends and enemies, as I'm sure they have a little nose too - although I like to think I don't have many. I can't hurt a fly… saying that, though, I can absolutely kill a spider - those things scare the shit out of me! How gorgeous is the weather in London today, I hate London in the winter, but I honestly think it's the best place to be in the world in summertime.
So today, I was going to write about growing up as a footballers daughter (I can't be bothered to be honest. It will take a bit of brain power to go down memory lane, but I'll do it another time promise, it's ok to not be motivated 100 per cent of the time.) Anyway, I moved in with Simon yesterday. Instead, I actually fancied talking about moving in with a partner. It feels only fitting as it is as fresh as my sheets. (Who doesn't love fresh sheets more than anything in this world, by the way). This is the first time I have moved in with a boy (I have had many drawers in other boys' places) yet never made the big step - however, I've now upgraded to my own wardrobe and have 3 drawers (he still has more wardrobes and drawers - he has a lot of questionable outfits) and it is my place to live also.
I have always been nervous about moving in with someone for several reasons; 1) I can be pretty messy. I live out of a suitcase because I always travel, but that is my excuse. I genuinely think I'd live out of a suitcase anyway. Luckily, Simon enjoys packing and tidying - I think he gets pleasure from organizing my stuff (that's what I tell myself). 2) and I'm going to be brutally honest with you here. I fart (all girls do, I swear, maybe some less than others, but if they say they don't, they are lying)!!! When I first started dating Simon, I had the worst stomach aches holding them in for the first 3 months at least. I was so uncomfortable I almost went to see a doctor. (I definitely at least googled if I could get ill holding them in) I mean, now, thankfully, we are at a comfortable stage where I can fart in front of him (he doesn't love it, but it beats the tummy pains)- but to actually live with him and the walls being so thin. This perks my anxiety up! So yeah, I can't honestly think of a 3rd reason, but those 2 I think you'll agree are valid enough!
We have moved into a lovely place in Kew Gardens overlooking the river. I have such a lovely little reading chair with a view, hoping this will inspire me, and I can't wait to force him to go for bike rides, canoeing and pub nights by the river. I'm really excited for our future together; I know I'm so cheesy (needy), but he really is the man of my dreams even if he snores, is stuck in his ways (it's an old man thing), owns some wild shirts, has 3 hour long baths and is obsessed with Ted lasso!
So I want you to know that it's ok to be messy, it's ok to fart, and it's also ok to be the opposite and have OCD, snore, and pick your nose (ok, maybe not that one)… we all have annoying habits but the right person accepts them, and you'd be boring without them. So this is your sign of moving in with your partner, and if you don't have one, then be grateful for your lack of tummy pains and not fighting over which channel you want on, what you want for dinner, which side of the bed you sleep on - I won that one though. So yeah, welcome home, everyone.
P.S. Sorry, Simon, for literally talking about our personal shit all the time. Love you.