Happy New Year - New Year, new resolutions

Hi everyone, so first of all, happy New Year to everyone, and I hope you celebrated in style. Mine was nice in Cyprus. I took Simon and had the most fantastic food, drinks, and traditional music. I was a bit tipsy but had enough time to recover for the flight home. I'm currently in Dubai getting my hair done for a brunch I'm incredibly late for (waiting for my hair to be washed and trying not to stress, so I'm writing this blog). Also, I drank too much last night and am trying to get myself mentally prepared for today!!

Well, it's made me realize I need to align some more goals for 2024, and it's also making me realize I need to drink less. I was trying on dresses for brunch today, and one was too tight (this is probably too much food, too, so I can't wholly blame alcohol) … I'm not happy about it, but not gonna get worked up about it. These are easily (ish) fixed things. Anyway, I'm addicted to growing as a person these days, and I want to set some goals for myself. I thought if I write them out to you, then I can become accountable, and those of you that actually see me in real life can tell me how great (or how shite) I've done.

1. It will be most people's, but let's get healthier. I've drunk a lot this year, mainly because it relaxes my mind, and I haven't had that, so it's put me in a better state. But it needs to be cut down, and I'm not running the same distances I used to. I lost my love for it and want to get back into it. Going to set myself some competitive runs to force me to train. Also if you are my friend can you ask me to go to a class with you rather than a drink (or at least combine)? Thank you in advance.

2. So, mission two will be to cook; the other day, Simon complained that I don't cook or really clean. I have no desire to clean; I'd rather do overtime at work and pay someone (I'm not doing overtime!), but I would like to cook more. I can do a few dishes and brownies, but I need to widen that range, so watch this space… more cooking lessons are cooking (I can't bring myself to buy a cooking book, though)!

3. Side project - I don't know what I want this to be yet, but I'm part-time and have so much spare time. Don't get me wrong, I easily fill it with reading books, socializing, and sitting in the sun, but I could put it to good use. If anyone has any ideas, throw them my way. Otherwise, I might start to write a book, haha!

4. A family. At the age of 38, I feel finally ready to have a family. I want a baby, and I'd like a dog if a human one doesn't arrive. I want one now, but my travel movements would be much more restricted, which I'm not sure about.

5. And finally, I'd like to help others. I had a shit trauma-filled year, and without the help I had from others, I don't think I'd be in the position I am now… so I'm going to do something to help others.

Make goals for yourself - you will feel great when you achieve them. 2024, I'm excited for you… better not have anyone die on me, though! Update on 2024 so far: I'm enjoying the new challenges that IFM are giving me (I have to use my brain a bit more). I also don't miss economy, haha. Sorry, not sorry! I have my second home in Dubai, which Simon and I are visiting a lot, and I love my home in St Albans that's coming together. I'm trying to make plans for each day, see friends, and do things in nature. Well, now I'm on my way to brunch to drink. Being very hungover, goal 1 isn't going so well, but it was before I wrote this…. So we'll start tomorrow!!! :)


P.S. Start Monday instead. It makes no sense to start on a Sunday! ;) B's back!


Sydney days


Reflecting on 2023 (what a shocking year)